يعتبر خطاب التوصية باللغة الإنجليزية واحد من أهم العوامل الأساسية للقبول في المنح الدراسية، إذ أنه -في أغلب الأحيان- يكون سبب رئيسي في القبول أو الرفض في المنح الدراسية وحتي العمل!
ما هي رسالة التوصية؟
رسالة التوصية هي خطاب رسمي مكتوب من قبل صاحب عمل سابق، مدرّس أو مشرف أكاديمي، سواءً في العمل أو خلال المسيرة الأكاديمية.
ما هو الهدف من رسالة التوصية؟
تهدف رسالة التوصية بشكل رئيس إلى أن تشهد على كلّ من مهارات وإنجازات وسلوك الشخص الذي كتبت لأجله، حيث تعمل على تسهيل حصول المتقدّم للوظيفة أو المنحة على فرصة مقابلة شخصية وإعطاء فكرة عامة عن هذا المرشّح.
نموذج مجاني لخطاب توصية باللغة الإنجليزية :
نقدم لكم الآن نموذج مجاني لخطاب التوصية لطلاب تم قبولهم في أفضل جامعات العالم ,كل ما عليك فقط تغيير التاريخ و المعلومات :
October xx, 20xx
The US-Ireland Alliance 1747 Pennsylvania Avenue,
NW, 12th Floor Washington, D.C. 20006
To the Mitchell Scholarship Selection Committee
I am writing a letter on behalf of Ms. Janet Lerner, an international studies student at Mythic University who is applying for the Mitchell Scholarship. To get straight to the point, Janet is, without a doubt, one of the strongest undergraduate students I have had the pleasure of working at Mythic University.
I am Janet’s co-advisor for her honors thesis and she has enrolled in several of my classes. Most recently, Janet was the sole undergraduate student in a graduate seminar I taught titled Qualitative Methods. Her performance was outstanding. I enjoyed watching her successfully grapple her way through some very difficult readings around social theory. Additionally, she was a discussion leader she grounded very difficult theory which helped alleviate some of the initial nervousness of the other students in the class. As I noted from her discussions, she is one of those rare students who can operate at an advanced theoretical level while keeping firmly rooted in an empirical realm.
The NIWC is a cross-community coalition that was formed in 1996 and fully participated in the peace talks which led to the signing of the Easter Agreement. Recently, the NIWC has found itself at the center of political debates focused on issues of gender, class, and nationalism.
Having carefully reviewed Janet’s data based on her NIWC case study, I can affirm that her work is top-notch and is on par with the graduate students in the geography department. Such a claim is no small matter. Mythic University’s Geography Department is the highest ranking geography department in the country based on a recent report by the National Research Council, so it is important to understand that I am comparing Janet with some of the best graduate students in the discipline.
Finally, Janet has a strong understanding of political theory and strong intellectual facility. She writes well and clearly and will complete her career at Mythic University undoubtedly to much acclaim. She is rare and gifted scholar and has my strongest support. She really is one in a million.
Janet Teacher Janet Teacher
Assistant Professor of Geography and Women’s Studies
* تنبيه !
- سوف يتم نشر تعليقكم بعد مراجعته
- التعاليق التي تحتوي على كلمات نابية و أرقام الهواتف أو نشر روابط أو إشهار لجهة ما لن يتم نشرها.
- يرجى الكتابة بالحروف العربية أو اللاتينية.